128 (2) Player Who Plays Two Balls Must Report to Committee. If the player is uncertain whether playing from the wrong place was a serious breach and decides to play a second ball in trying to correct the mistake: • The player must report the facts to the Committee before returning the scorecard. • This applies even if the player believes they scored the same with both balls as well as when the player, having decided to play a second ball, chooses not to complete the hole with both balls. If the player does not report the facts to the Committee, they are disqualified. (3) When Player Played Two Balls, Committee Will Decide Player’s Score for Hole. The player’s score for the hole depends on whether the Committee decides that there was a serious breach in playing the original ball from a wrong place: • No Serious Breach. » The score with the ball played from a wrong place counts, and the player gets the general penalty under Rule 14.7a (which means that two penalty strokes are added to the score with that ball). » All strokes with the other ball (including strokes made and any penalty strokes solely from playing that ball) do not count. • Serious Breach. » The score with the ball played to correct the mistake of playing from a wrong place counts, and the player gets the general penalty under Rule 14.7a (which means that two penalty strokes are added to the score with that ball). » The stroke made in playing the original ball from a wrong place and any more strokes with that ball (including strokes made and any penalty strokes solely from playing that ball) do not count. » If the ball played to correct the mistake was also played from a wrong place: – If the Committee decides that this was not a serious breach, the player gets the general penalty (two more penalty strokes) under Rule 14.7a, making a total of four penalty strokes that are added to the score with that ball (two for playing the original ball from a wrong place and two for playing the other ball from a wrong place). – If the Committee decides that this was a serious breach, the player is disqualified. Rule 14