RULE Purpose of Rule: 130 15.1 Loose Impediments 15.1a Removal of Loose Impediment Without penalty, a player may remove a loose impediment anywhere on or off the course, and may do so in any way (such as by using a hand or foot, using a club or other equipment, getting help from others or breaking off part of a loose impediment). But there are two exceptions: Exception 1 – Removing Loose Impediment Where Ball Must Be Replaced: Before replacing a ball that was lifted or moved from anywhere except the putting green: • A player must not deliberately remove a loose impediment that, if moved before the ball was lifted or moved, would have been likely to have caused the ball to move. • If the player does so, they get one penalty stroke, but the removed loose impediment does not need to be replaced. This exception applies both during a round and while play is stopped under Rule 5.7a. It does not apply to a loose impediment that was not there before the ball was lifted or moved or that is removed as a result of marking the spot of a ball or lifting, moving or replacing a ball or causing a ball to move. Exception 2 – Restrictions on Deliberately Removing Loose Impediments to Affect Ball in Motion (see Rule 11.3). Rule 15 covers when and how the player may take free relief from loose impediments and movable obstructions. • These movable natural and artificial objects are not treated as part of the challenge of playing the course, and a player is normally allowed to remove them when they interfere with play. • But the player needs to be careful in moving loose impediments near their ball off the putting green, because there will be a penalty if moving them causes the ball to move. Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions (Including Ball or Ball-Marker Helping or Interfering with Play) 15 Rule 15