Rules of Golf - January 2023 =>

131 15.1b Ball Moved When Removing Loose Impediment If a player’s removal of a loose impediment causes their ball to move: • The ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated) (see Rule 14.2). • If the moved ball had been at rest anywhere except on the putting green (see Rule 13.1d) or in the teeing area (see Rule 6.2b(6)), the player gets one penalty stroke under Rule 9.4b, except when Rule 7.4 applies (no penalty for ball moved during search) or when another exception to Rule 9.4b applies. Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Rule 15.1: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a. 15.2 Movable Obstructions This Rule covers free relief that is allowed from artificial objects that meet the definition of movable obstruction. It does not give relief from immovable obstructions (a different type of free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1) or boundary objects or integral objects (no free relief is allowed). 15.2a Relief fromMovable Obstruction (1) Removal of Movable Obstruction. Without penalty, a player may remove a movable obstruction anywhere on or off the course and may do so in any way. But there are two exceptions: Exception 1 – Tee-Markers Must Not Be Moved When Ball Will Be Played from Teeing Area (see Rules 6.2b(4) and 8.1a(1)). Exception 2 – Restrictions on Deliberately Removing Movable Obstruction to Affect a Ball in Motion (see Rule 11.3). If a player’s ball moves while they are removing a movable obstruction: • There is no penalty, and • The ball must be replaced on its original spot (which if not known must be estimated) (see Rule 14.2). Rule 15