Rules of Golf - January 2023 =>

176 20.2 Rulings on Issues Under the Rules 20.2a Rulings by Referee A referee is an official named by the Committee to decide questions of fact and apply the Rules. The referee may get the Committee’s help before making a ruling. A referee’s ruling on the facts or how the Rules apply must be followed by the player. A player has no right to appeal a referee’s ruling to the Committee, but after a ruling has been made, the referee may: • Get a second opinion from another referee, or • Refer a ruling to the Committee for review, but is not required to do so. A referee’s decision is final, so if a referee authorizes a player to breach a Rule in error, the player will not be penalized. But for when a wrong ruling by a referee or the Committee will be corrected, see Rule 20.2d. 20.2b Rulings by Committee When there is no referee to give a ruling or when a referee refers a ruling to the Committee: • The ruling will be given by the Committee, and • The Committee’s ruling is final. If the Committee cannot reach a decision, it may refer the issue to the Rules of Golf Committee of The R&A, whose decision is nal. 20.2c Applying “Naked Eye” Standard When Using Video Evidence When the Committee is deciding questions of fact in making a ruling, the use of video evidence is limited by the “naked eye” standard: • If the facts shown on the video could not reasonably have been seen with the naked eye, that video evidence will be disregarded even if it indicates a breach of the Rules. • But even where video evidence is disregarded under the “naked eye” standard, a breach of the Rules will still be found if the player was otherwise aware of facts establishing a breach (such as where the player felt the club touch sand in a bunker even though that could not be seen by the naked eye). Rule 20