51 5.2a Match Play A player may practise on the course before a round or between rounds of a match-play competition. 5.2b Stroke Play On the day of a stroke-play competition: • A player must not practise on the course before a round, except that the player may: » Practise putting or chipping on or near their rst teeing area. » Practise on any practice area. » Practise on or near the putting green of the hole just completed even if they will play that hole again on the same day (see Rule 5.5b). • A player may practise on the course after completing play of their nal round for that day. If a player makes a stroke in breach of this Rule, they get the general penalty applied to their first hole. If they make an additional stroke in breach of this Rule, they are disqualified. See Committee Procedures, Section 8; Model Local Rule I-1 (in either form of play, the Committee may adopt a Local Rule prohibiting, restricting or allowing practice on the course before or between rounds). 5.3 Starting and Ending Round 5.3a When to Start Round A player’s round starts when the player makes a stroke to start their first hole (see Rule 6.1a). The player must start at (and not before) their starting time: • This means that the player must be ready to play at the starting time and starting point set by the Committee. • A starting time set by the Committee is treated as an exact time (for example, 9 am means 9:00:00 am, not any time until 9:01 am). If the starting time is delayed for any reason (such as weather, slow play of other groups or the need for a ruling by a referee), there is no breach of this Rule if the player is present and ready to play when the player’s group is able to start. Penalty for Breach of Rule 5.3a: Disqualification, except in these three cases: Rule 5